勿入邪教 出卖灵魂 · 叁

大家好 ❤️
又被全球各地的善信粉絲催案例分享了. 主要原因是梅師父回了台灣. 我這邊工作也比較忙碌. 所以春節剛過梅師父就交代我抽空時要把案例整理好發上來. 接下來繼續精彩的案例後續分享. 師父和我就在附近找了一家餐館簡單用餐. 梅師父說那女人身上除了有妖附體還有泰國降頭術和養小鬼的氣息存在. 負能量磁場聚集很雜亂強大. 就交代所有神佛兵將要把所有身上和法寶的能量用隱身術隱藏起來. 且交代神將官兵等下要進去那女人的工作室小區门口時就要开始佈下上仙界的法寶(天羅地網)準備把妖魔邪道能一次就全面捕獲让它们無法遁逃. 因有些妖魔怪的道行已經可以飛天遁地. 也已通過五雷劫的關卡. 所以必須用上仙界的法寶才可以抓捕到. 比它們能量等级低的法寶無法抓捕道行高的妖邪魔頭. 也交代我等下無論看到靈界有什麼動靜和狀態都不要出聲. 邪靈妖怪大多數都會出爛招傷害或想控制在辦案現場的人. 尤其是在現場提出方法要對付靈界的那些人. 妖魔鬼怪特別會記仇報復. 所以建議除了案件當事人等. 一般人儘量不要因好奇參與審辦靈界相關的案子和現場. 梅師父也很快幫我做好了結界. 我看到有一個金色大光圈能量包裹著我全身. 主要是為了不讓任何妖魔邪道能傷害到我. 讓我得以能在現場見證正法伏魔除妖.真修實證. 非常感恩
用完餐我聯繫了那怪異女人. 馬上感到一股強烈的陰邪之氣逼近襲來. 全身發冷起雞皮疙瘩. 馬上心裡默念 “南無觀世音菩薩” 很快體溫就恢復正常了. 她用詭異不正常又很無厘頭的語氣說.~等你們很久了. 已經準備好東西. 趕快過來~ 梅師父說其實自從第一次碰面. 她那邊的邪靈磁場就一直跟著我們了.想趁機偷襲或者趁我們身體虛弱和睡覺的時候來偷吸我們的能量和精氣. 我就回想起來第一次見那女人回家後就連續幾天都作恐怖惡夢. 但我相信菩薩和梅師父一定會保護我. 心裡就放心很多. 那女人發了一個定位給我. 我們很快就找到那位置. 很巧的是原來那女人的工作室就在我們用餐的地方附近.就在我們走到小區大門時. 那股濃厚的陰邪磁場又包圍了我們. 梅師父說 “既來之則安之” 邪不胜正不用怕啦. 接著就吩咐神將官兵開始佈下天羅地網. 我看到一張金色大網變成透明狀把整個小區包圍. 不一會兒就看到那女人和她的護法男人在小區大門口等著我們. 就跟著她們走進了那女人的工作室. 我心中一直默念著 “南無觀世音菩薩”。
一進門就看到客廳有個小神台上面供養了怪異的符號和圖騰. 四週的牆上也都有奇異的圖像. 于是我用眼通查看. 有很多無形的眼睛在窺伺. 還聽到有些輕微窸窸窣窣的聲音. 像是某些靈界在小聲交談. 神台上的香爐插著一支剛點的香. 香的味道很刺鼻. 聞久了會讓人有點頭昏腦漲. 那女人說她的香在國內買不到. 是要從國外才能買到這種特殊的香. 這屋子的磁場讓人感覺詭異壓抑很不舒服.我就心裡一直默念 “南無觀世音菩薩” 精神馬上就清醒了很多. 忽然那女人說她感覺到她的 “神” 很喜歡我們的到來. 她一直說自己身上的神靈是隻大蜈蚣精. 梅師父馬上指正她說蜈蚣精不是神靈而是妖精. 並告訴她身上的附體不只是一隻蜈蚣精而已. 還有一隻大黑妖也在她的身上. 早幾年前也有被下過降頭的記號痕跡. 此時那女人的頭開始往前抽搐. 就像蛇的頭在晃的動作一樣. 那時我瞬間看到一個很大的黑色蛇頭張著大口在吐舌信威脅要把梅師父給吞噬. 但看到它一直無法靠近梅師父這才稍微放心了. 再次真心佩服梅師父身處危機卻總是處變不驚的精神. 原本附體在那女人身上的蜈蚣精也是非常大隻可怕極了. 那女人也看到蛇妖張大口想要吞噬梅師父的狀態擔心自己受牽連. 就有些害怕又著急惱怒的反駁說附身在她身上的不是大黑蟒蛇妖而是龍神. 要我們不要再亂說話避免惹怒神靈. 以免遭到懲罰和報復. 梅師父說等下我把它打出原形妳再看看它到底是什麼靈。
梅師父說真正的上界神菩薩不會附體在人身上. 神格較低的神佛菩薩必須行善濟世待功德圓滿才能晉升. 所以才會必須找合適的有緣人成為他們的乩身. 一起配合濟世行善累積功德. 神佛菩薩不會隨意對人施以懲罰和報復. 那些都是邪魔歪道和心術不正的人才會做的事. 所以不要醜化佛菩薩們. 此时那女人身上的附體(蛇妖)說. 妳們(指梅師父和我)是誰給的膽子. 竟敢惹我們不悅. 最好不要多管閒事趕快滾. 要不然今天就是妳們的死期了. 梅師父說我這邊都還沒出手呢. 你就先自己承認是啥玩意兒了嗎. 平時都是讓蜈蚣精在那女人的身體裡控制她. 今天察覺遇上的對手身上能量是你們最想吸食的. 你就自己出馬來對付. 看來今天是你和團伙的死期才對吧. 勸你們馬上退出這女人的身體出來說話. 或者你是想要我動手把你們打出來. 蛇妖說早就想退出這女人的身體. 她這邊的人脈魂魄我們也都吸食的沒剩多少了. 跟這女人合體多年已經無法脫離她的身體. 必須直到這個身體很虛弱或死亡才能脫離出來再去找另一個身體寄居. 我們也想能早點把她魂魄吃了再找一個更好的身體啊. 只是現在還不到時候. 當寄居的身體沒有利用價值時我們就會安排意外災害或急病猝死的方法解決掉. 妳若真的有本事就讓我們現在能退出她的身體. 我若是配服就會跟妳說明這一切. 要不我就一定要弄死妳們. 那女人聽到蛇妖這些話嚇得當場哭了出來. 然後就走進去廁所. 我知道那倆隻妖物想從廁所遁逃或是想準備邪法來弄我和師父. 因為它們認為天將神兵不會在廁所這樣的汙穢地方看守. 比較容易找到遁逃的出口. 約十分鐘那女人就出來了. 嘿. 它们是插翅也難逃了。


勿入邪教 出卖灵魂
勿入邪教 出卖灵魂 · 贰

#神佛兵將 #隱身術 #天羅地網 #妖魔邪道 #靈界 #正法治魔 #怪異女人 #陰邪之氣 #護法男人 #小神台 #蜈蚣精 #大黑蛇妖 #降頭 #神佛菩薩 #乩身 #行善濟世 #吸食能量 #魂魄 #意外災害 #邪法

Hello everyone ❤️
I was urged to share the case by philanthropic fans from all over the world. The main reason is that Master Mei returned to Taiwan. I am also quite busy at work. So just after the Spring Festival, Master Mei told me to sort out the case and post it when I have time. Next. Continue to share the wonderful cases later. Master and I found a restaurant nearby for a simple meal. Master Mei said that in addition to being possessed by demons, the woman also had the aura of Thai head-dropping techniques and raising imps. The accumulation of negative energy magnetic fields was very messy and powerful. He told all the gods and Buddhas The soldiers will use invisibility to hide all the energy on their bodies and magic weapons. They will also tell the generals that when they enter the entrance of the woman’s studio complex, they will begin to lay down magic weapons (dragon and earth nets) from the heavenly world to prepare for the evil spirits to be defeated at once. Just capture them all so that they can’t escape. Because some demons and monsters can fly into the sky and escape to the earth. They have also passed the five thunder tribulations. Therefore, they must use magic weapons from the fairy world to capture them. Magic weapons with lower energy levels than them cannot Capture the evil spirits and monsters with high moral standards. I also told me not to make a sound no matter what movement or state I see in the spirit world. Most evil spirits and monsters will use bad tricks to harm or control the people at the scene of the case. Especially at the scene of the case. The scene suggested ways to deal with those in the spirit world. Demons and ghosts are particularly fond of revenge. Therefore, it is recommended that ordinary people, except those involved in the case, try not to participate in the trial of cases and scenes related to the spirit world out of curiosity. Master Mei also quickly helped me make a barrier. I saw a large golden aperture of energy surrounding my whole body. The main purpose was to prevent any demons and evil ways from harming me. It allowed me to witness the righteous method of subduing demons and eliminating demons and practicing true cultivation at the scene. I am very grateful.
After finishing the meal, I contacted the weird woman. I immediately felt a strong evil spirit coming towards me. I felt cold and had goosebumps all over my body. I immediately recited “Namo Guanyin bodhisattva” silently in my mind, and soon my body temperature returned to normal. She used a weird He said in an abnormal and nonsensical tone. ~ I have been waiting for you for a long time. I have prepared everything. Come here quickly ~ Master Mei said that actually since the first time we met, the evil magnetic field on her side has been following us. We want to take the opportunity to sneak attack or To secretly suck our energy and essence while we are weak and sleeping. I recall the first time I saw that woman and I had horrible nightmares for several days after returning home. But I believe that Bodhisattva and Master Mei will definitely do it. Protect me. I felt much more at ease. The woman sent me a location. We found the location quickly. Coincidentally, it turned out that the woman’s studio was near where we were dining. Just when we walked to the gate of the community At that time, the thick evil magnetic field surrounded us again. Master Mei said, “As soon as it comes, take care of it.” There is no need to be afraid if evil prevails. Then he ordered the officers and soldiers to start setting up a dragnet. I saw a big golden net. It turned transparent and surrounded the entire community. After a while, we saw the woman and her guardian man waiting for us at the gate of the community. I followed them into the woman’s studio. I kept chanting “Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva” silently in my heart. .
As soon as I entered the door, I saw a small altar in the living room with strange symbols and totems on it. There were also strange images on the surrounding walls. So I used my clairvoyance to check. There were many invisible eyes watching. I also heard some There was a slight rustling sound, like some spirits were talking quietly. There was a freshly lit incense burner on the altar. The smell of the incense was very pungent. Smelling it for a long time will make people feel dizzy. . The woman said that her incense cannot be bought in China. You have to buy this special incense from abroad. The magnetic field in this room makes people feel weird, depressing and uncomfortable. I kept chanting “Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva” silently in my heart. My spirit immediately became much clearer. Suddenly the woman said that she felt her “god” and liked our arrival very much. She always said that the spirit in her body was a giant centipede spirit. Master Mei immediately corrected her and said that the centipede spirit was not a spirit but a spirit. Fairy. And told her that she was not only possessed by a centipede spirit, but also a big black snake demon was also on her body. There were also traces of being dropped on her head a few years ago. At this time, the woman’s head It started to twitch forward, just like a snake’s head shaking. At that time, I instantly saw a big black snake head with its mouth wide open and sticking out its tongue, threatening to devour Master Mei. But I saw that it could not get closer. Master Mei felt a little relieved. Once again, I really admire Master Mei’s spirit of never being alarmed even in times of crisis. The centipede spirit that originally possessed the woman was also very big and terrifying. The woman also saw the snake demon opening its mouth. She wanted to devour Master Mei and was worried that she would be implicated. She was a little scared and anxious and angrily retorted that the one possessing her was not the big black python demon but the dragon god. She asked us to stop talking nonsense to avoid angering the gods. To avoid being harmed. Punishment and revenge. Master Mei said that I will take it out of its original shape later and you can see what kind of spirit it is.
Master Mei said that the real gods, Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the upper world will not possess people. The gods, Buddhas and bodhisattvas with lower divine status must do good deeds to help the world and wait for their merits to be completed before they can be promoted. Therefore, they must find suitable predestined people to become their incarnations. Together. Cooperate with the world and do good deeds to accumulate merit. Gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will not punish or retaliate against people at will. Those are things that evil spirits and people with evil intentions would do. So don’t vilify the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. At this time, the possession of the woman (Snake Demon) said. Who gave you (referring to Master Mei and me) the courage to dare to offend us? It’s best not to meddle in other people’s business and get out of here. Otherwise today will be the day you die. Master Mei said I haven’t even made a move yet. Do you want to admit to yourself what this thing is? Usually, you let the centipede essence control her in that woman’s body. Today, I noticed that the energy in the opponent you met is the one you most want to absorb. . Just take action on your own. It seems that today is the day for you and the gang to die. I advise you to exit this woman’s body immediately and come out to speak. Or you want me to beat you out. The snake demon said that he had wanted to do it for a long time. Exit this woman’s body. We have absorbed very little of her human soul. After being fused with this woman for many years, we can no longer break away from her body. We must wait until this body is very weak or dies before we can break away and find another one. The body is inhabited. We also want to eat her soul as soon as possible and find a better body. But it is not the time yet. When the body is no longer useful, we will arrange for an accidental disaster or sudden death from a sudden illness to solve it. . If you really have the ability, let us exit her body now. If I are a server, I will explain all this to you. Otherwise, I will definitely kill you. The woman was frightened on the spot when she heard these words of the snake demon. I burst into tears. Then I walked into the toilet. I knew that the two monsters wanted to escape from the toilet or prepare evil tricks to harm Master and me. Because they thought that heavenly generals and magic soldiers would not guard such a dirty place like the toilet. It’s easier to find an escape exit. The woman came out in about ten minutes. Hey, they can’t escape even if they have wings.

To be continued………

#神佛兵将# Stealth Technique#天罗地网# Demon Evil Way# Spirit Realm# Zhengfa Rules the Demon# Weird Woman# Yin and Evil Qi# Protector Man#小神台#centipede spirit#大黑 Snake Demon# Lowering the Head#神Buddha Bodhisattva# 乩神#行真愿世#absorbing energy#soul#accidental disaster#evil method

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