




明知是被人下了邪降,但怕遇上更邪恶的歹人知道她的状态后再趁机伤害她,就不敢四处求神问卜,后来实在不堪其扰总想结束生命,正愁求助无门时,偶然间上网查询看到 “台湾神通梅仙姑开运网” 里面的实事案例分享后便尝试求助,在得到梅仙姑老师允许接受案子后,女事主即不顾千里迢迢的来到中国拜访梅仙姑老师,梅仙姑老师告诉女事主,她被下了非常狠毒的情降,需要每天与男人交合,她身上的东西会吸取男人的精气神,才能得到思想和身体上的解脱。梅仙姑老师开始准备处理女事主的情况时,降頭师隔空威胁说:“不要想多管闲事,小心我要了你的命”此时梅仙姑老师淡定的对着窗外说, “这女人的事我就管定了,想要对付我就来点真本事,别只会老扯这两句废话行吗” ,降头师很生气的说 “找死的蠢货,你今天死期逃不了了” ,梅仙姑老师说 “我不会逃,也没想过要逃,你也没机会再说废话了”对方就不说话了。 


当梅仙姑老师回复答应帮助女事主时就马上请观音菩萨先保护她. 她才能暂时不受虫蛊吸噬和噩梦之苦的伤害,平安顺利的来见梅仙姑老师把蛊降解除,接下来就必须尽快要把下降头的邪师和男人同伙都全部收拾才不会让他们再去对其他人下邪降毒害人,于是梅仙姑老师马上从地府阴界请了苗疆蛊王上来,指示天兵神将协助苗疆蛊王一起去马来西亚把那降头邪师破功并在那降头师和男人身上种下短期内就会让他们有严惩报应的降头,还要把那邪降师养的蛊虫和降头邪灵等物全部消灭清理干净,女事主因长期在睡梦里和现实生活中被性侵强暴,人格和心里已经出现严重阴影,无法出门正常工作生活,深怕自己无法脱离深层的心里障碍,梅仙姑老师请观音菩萨用柳枝净瓶水把她那些不好的记忆消除,用心的开导她,交代她回马来西亚后马上搬到其他城市,远离那过往是非之地,相信很快能更新重建她的内心平衡和力量过正常的生活和工作。



 “台湾神通梅仙姑开运网” 以倡导真修实证. 破除一切邪恶陋习迷信为主要方向. 所发表的案例都是真人真事现实中发生的事件,每个案例都有很多正在身历其境及感同身受的人,若能做到时时反省. 明辨是非与真假对错. 谨言慎行. 知错能改. 从善如流. 才能成就他人. 圆满自己,唯秉持正心. 正信. 正知. 正观. 正念,才能获得生命中的珍贵美好。 


Astonishing Rescue from a Desperate Situation: Malaysian Woman Seeks Help, and Master Mei Xian Gu Efforts Turn the Tide!

This case originates from a female follower’s plea for assistance on the “Taiwan Divine Master Mei Xian Gu Luck-Enhancing Network” from Malaysia. Master Mei Xian Gu dealt with a case where a woman from Malaysia was bewitched by a man, and the female victim found herself compelled to engage in sexual intercourse with men at a fixed time daily to alleviate her condition.

About three years ago, the female victim and the male perpetrator were colleagues. The male colleague relentlessly pursued the female victim, but she felt he was not a suitable partner and tried to avoid and ignore him. Eventually, at a company gathering, the male colleague offered the female victim a drink, and since that event, she began to crave intimate contact with him daily. Soon after, they began cohabitating and dating. However, a year later, the female victim discovered the male colleague being intimate with another woman in her own home. She immediately broke up with him and moved out that night.

She thought this failed relationship would be the end of her troubles, but half a month later, she began to experience nightmares of being raped by the male colleague. Upon waking, she would find herself sweating, feverish, with bruises and bite marks, which terrified her. This continued for over a year, and her physical condition deteriorated. At 3 a.m. each morning, she would transform as if possessed, wandering the streets at night, waking up next to different men, sometimes more than one, but with no memory of the previous night’s events.

Realizing she was under an evil curse, she feared seeking help from others who might take advantage of her vulnerability. Desperate and suicidal, she stumbled upon the “Taiwan Divine Master Mei Xian Gu Luck-Enhancing Network” online and decided to seek assistance. After Master Mei Xian Gu agreed to take her case, the female victim traveled a great distance to China to meet with her. Master Mei Xian Gu informed her that she had been under a vicious love spell that required her to engage in sexual activities with men to free herself mentally and physically. As Master Mei Xian Gu began to address the situation, the spellcaster threatened from afar, “Don’t meddle in this, or I’ll take your life.” Unfazed, Master Mei Xian Gu replied, “I won’t run, nor have I ever considered it. You won’t have the chance to utter such empty threats again.”

After thoroughly investigating the origins of the curse, Master Mei Xian Gu first removed the spell and purified the woman’s energy meridians. After about ten minutes, the woman felt nauseous and rushed to the bathroom, where she vomited several蠕动的红色虫体 (writhing red worm-like creatures). After three such episodes, she felt much better, though still frightened. Master Mei Xian Gu assured her that the spell was broken once the worms were expelled, and with a few days of recuperation, she would fully recover. If she had delayed any longer, the worms would have drained her life force, causing unbearable agony.

As soon as Master Mei Xian Gu agreed to help, she invoked the protection of Guanyin bodhisattva to shield the woman from the curse’s torment and nightmares, allowing her to safely meet with Master Mei Xian Gu. It was crucial to swiftly deal with the malefactors to prevent them from harming others. Master Mei Xian Gu summoned the Miao Gui King from the netherworld, instructing heavenly warriors to assist in dismantling the spellcaster’s powers in Malaysia and to inflict a swift retribution on both the spellcaster and his male accomplice. The woman, traumatized by the repeated sexual assaults in her dreams and waking life, feared she could not overcome her psychological barriers. Master Mei Xian Gu asked Guanyin Bodhisattva to erase her painful memories and guided her to move to another city in Malaysia to rebuild her life.

After this harrowing experience, the woman quickly regained her strength and confidence. She thanked Master Mei Xian Gu and moved to a new city in Malaysia to start anew. At their parting, the woman bowed deeply in gratitude, and Master Mei Xian Gu wished her a safe and prosperous future.

This case illustrates the importance of maintaining faith and seeking legitimate help when faced with adversity. It also serves as a reminder that true power often comes from within, through courage and perseverance, rather than external mystical forces. Master Mei Xian Gu’s cases exemplify the need to reflect, discern right from wrong, act wisely, correct mistakes, and embrace kindness to benefit others and fulfill oneself. Only with a righteous heart, belief, knowledge, view, and thought can one achieve the precious and beautiful in life.

We express our gratitude to people worldwide for their love and support of the “Taiwan Divine Master Mei Xian Gu Luck-Enhancing Network,” which advocates genuine practice and the elimination of all evil superstitions. The cases shared are real-life events that resonate with many. By cultivating kindness and love, we can contribute to a more peaceful and rapidly evolving world. Let us all strive for this together.

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