
大约半年后那友人又来电话找仙姑. 着急的说这次姐姐是肚子里从肚脐长出一条像是人形的树根长木. 去医院又是各种身体检查找不出原因. 但这次医生说因那树根的邪物在其姐肚子内臓和血管里缠在一起长了分枝. 所以不能像以前一样开刀怕会伤及内臓和血管危及性命. 仙姑告知友人说能够一直对其姐下降头的. 一定是常常亲近在身边的人. 才能够拿到事主私密的物品和有多次接触的机会. 但姐姐说仍然没有找出谁是对她施降头害她的人. (注意重点:其实仙姑老师只是想要让友人姐姐谨慎去观察身边的人. 确认对她下降头的人是谁. 不要再与那心性歹毒的人再有往来. (害人之心不可有. 防人之心不可无)。

仙姑老师查出事主不久就会有生命危险. (很多邪法邪术会让人忽然暴毙)为了安全起见就请菩萨马上过去马来西亚帮她姐姐解这个难度很大的死降(注意重点. 其姐这次中的降头是绝命死降之一. 因那人形树根会缠着内臓筋脉血管一直长到刺破心脏. 人就会死亡). 再交代要把那邪师的灵能废除. 以防止继续毒害他人性命. 仙姑老师交代友人必须谨慎依照指示.只要菩萨愿意帮助就能让医生检验出病况. 尽快能够安排做手术顺利把那人形树根取出. 去医院时只能亲人陪同. 回家休养身体时不能对亲人以外的人谈论其姐病况与结果.也不能让管家. 佣人或司机等知道. 要在那些外人面前继续装病到找出那个下降头的人为止. (主要是防范下降头邪法的人. 一定会急想知道事主的所有状况). 这样很快也就能找出那个一直对她姐姐下降头邪法的人. 才能真正的永无后患。 仙姑为了防止事主亲人太多人知道此事会不小心说漏嘴. 所以交代只能让友人的姐夫知道事情的严重性. 除了她们三人绝对不能说出去. 隔天就与姐夫一起安排姐姐去医院. 这次检查医生说那人形树根虽然已经快长到心臓位置但萎缩不继续长了(上次检查时人形树枝是攀连着筋脉血管一起长的). 可以马上开刀把那人形树根取出了.隔天友人打电话给仙姑老师告知手术终于顺利完成了。

一个月后仙姑告知友人. 那下降头之人很快要现行了. 所以要她以照顾姐姐较方便的理由住到姐姐家里(此时事主的身体已经恢复的很好. 但她听从仙姑交代的继续装病). 果不其然约半个月后友人发现自己住的房间橱柜常被人翻动过.有被偷了一些钱和衣物金饰等(姐姐是开金银珠宝店的. 常常会送友人金饰珠宝). 所以她故意做了几个只有她自己知道的记号但也都被翻动过. 更有几次被友人进房间时撞见那女佣人就正在翻动她的橱柜. 她问女佣在干什么. 我不是已经交代过我的房间不让人进来吗(因为友人怕那下降头的人也会对付她. 所以不让人进来她房间). 女佣都说是在帮整理橱柜衣物而已就赶紧出去了. 友人发现那女佣也常会趁姐姐不在房间时进去姐姐的房间橱柜翻找许久. 于是友人等女佣不在家的时候找姐姐谈这件事. 其姐说自己是开金银珠宝店的. 家里很多地方都有放了金条珠宝和首饰很正常. 如果被偷了或少了多少她也不会知道. 认为可能是家人拿去用了. 觉得家里的人不会有这些不良的行为. 所以她一直没有提防住在家里的人(原来是姐姐的财富被住家里的贼惦记了). 这时其姐请求友人帮忙. 一定要快点找到证据. 把那狠毒邪恶的人揪出来。

友人打电话告知仙姑近日发现的这些状况. 问能否提示下降头的人大多会在哪里放那些邪恶的东西. 以便让她尽早能找到证据. 仙姑说菩萨会引导让你三天之内一定会找到那下降头的人放置邪物的地方. 友人想办法支开家里的佣人. 司机和其他人然后把姐姐的家里都找了一遍仍然没找着. 但那女佣人住的房间却一直锁着无法进去. (因为主子们根本不会去女佣房间的). 第三天早上友人找姐姐聊天时忽然有很强的灵感. 把喝的茶水故意装作不小心泼洒在姐姐床上. 然后说要帮她换干净的床单. 就让姐姐先去客厅坐. 当她换床单仍没发现有什么异样时. 心里有些失望. 结果她的戒指忽然松开掉滚到床头柜与床板中间的缝隙里了. 所以必须把床掀开去床板中间找戒指. 把床掀开时她吓到了. 终于找到证据了. 那名贵的床中间被挖了一个大洞放了一个用稻草和蜡烛做的人形. 稻草人形的肚子里又插了和姐姐开刀取出的相同树根和铁钉. 友人把所有证据都拍照. 马上告诉姐姐这件惊悚的事. (那时事主才回想起仙姑早就告诉她是一个四十出头岁数的女人伙同邪降师下降头害她的)。

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Past replay

南洋邪术之 绝命·钉 上集
Nanyang Sorcery, fatal nail part one

8月29日 《招灵术》上集 直播回放分享
August 29, “Necromancy,” the first episode, live playback share

Thailand lost the way-regret not at the beginning

降頭術 台湾神通梅仙姑开运网 日常文章更新
Head spell, Taiwan Avatar Mei Xiangu Kai Yun Net, daily article updates

Next episode of Nanyang Sorcery

About six months later, the friend called again to ask for fairy. She said anxiously that this time her sister grew a human-shaped tree root from her belly button. Going to the hospital and all sorts of checkups to find out why. But this time, the Doctor said that the root of the tree had grown branches in her stomach and in her blood vessels. Therefore, we can’t operate like before for fear of damaging internal organs and blood vessels. The fairy told her friend that she could always cast a spell on her sister. Must be someone close to you. To get access to the subject’s private items and multiple contacts. But the sister says she still hasn’t found out who put the spell on her. Note: Miss Xianguo just wants her friend to observe the people around her carefully. Identify the person who cast the spell on her. Stop associating with that evil-hearted man. (no harm is to be done.) . Be wary of others.

Miss Xianguo found out that the victim’s life will be in danger soon. (many sorcery sorcery can cause sudden death.) Just to be on the safe side, please ask Bodhisattva to go to Malaysia immediately to help her sister with this difficult descent. His sister’s spell was one of the fatal ones. Because that human root will wrap around the veins and veins until it pierces the heart. People die. And told him to get rid of the sorcerer’s psionic powers. To prevent further poisoning of human life. Sensei told his friends to follow instructions carefully. As long as the Bodhisattva is willing to help, the doctor can detect the disease. We can arrange an operation as soon as possible to remove the humanoid root. Only family members are allowed to accompany you to the hospital. When you go home to recuperate, you can’t talk about your sister’s illness and its consequences to anyone other than your loved ones. Or the housekeeper. A servant or driver, etc knows. We have to keep pretending to be sick in front of the Outsiders until we find out who the bad guy is. It’s mainly to guard against those who cast evil spells. They must be anxious to know all about their victims. So we can find out who’s been doing this to her sister. Can truly never have a problem. In order to prevent the victim’s relatives too many people know about this will accidentally spill the beans. So the only way to tell is to let the brother-in-law know how serious it is. Except for the three of them. The next day I arranged for my sister to go to the hospital with her husband. This time the Doctor said that the root of the tree had grown to the heart but had not continued to shrink. (the last time the root of the tree was attached to the veins and veins.) . We can cut that human root out right now. The next day, a friend called Xianguo teacher to inform the operation finally successfully completed.

A month later, fairy told her friend. The spell-bearer will soon be present. So she was asked to stay at her sister’s house on the grounds that it would be more convenient for her to take care of her sister. Sure enough, about half a month later, the friend found that the cupboard in his room had often been rummaged. Some money, clothing, jewelry, etc were stolen (my sister owns a gold and silver jewelry store. She often gives gold and jewelry to her friends) . So she purposely made a few marks that only she knew about, but they were also flipped. On more than one occasion the maid was rummaging in her cupboard when her friends came into the room. She asked the maid what she was doing. Didn’t I tell you not to let anyone in my room (because my friend didn’t want the Jinx to come after her, so she didn’t want anyone in her room) . The Maid said she was just helping with the closets, so she went out. The friend found that the maid often went into her sister’s room and rummaged in the cupboard when she was not there. So the friend waited for the maid to leave and talked to her sister about it. His sister says she owns a jewelry store. It’s normal to have gold bars, jewelry, and jewelry in many parts of the house. She won’t know if it’s been stolen or how much is missing. Thought the family might have used it. That no one in the family would ever do anything like that. So she never looked out for the people who lived in the house, ie it turned out that her sister’s wealth had been missed by the thieves who lived in the house. Then his sister asked a friend for help. We must find the evidence quickly. Bring out the vicious and evil man.

A friend called to inform her of the recent discovery. Ask if you can give me a clue as to where most people who descend from the sky put their evil stuff. So she can find the evidence as soon as possible. The goddess said the Bodhisattva will guide you to find the place where the evil spirits are placed within three days. The friend tried to distract the servants at home. The driver and the others searched the sister’s house but couldn’t find it. But the maid’s room was kept locked and inaccessible. Because the masters don’t go to the maid’s room. On the third morning, a friend was talking to his sister when he had a great idea. Make it look like you spilled your tea on your sister’s bed by accident. Then he said he’d help her change the sheets. Just let your sister sit in the living room. When she changed the sheets and still didn’t notice anything. A little disappointed. Her ring suddenly loosened and rolled into the gap between the Nightstand and the bed board. So you have to lift the bed and look for the ring between the sheets. She was frightened when she lifted the bed. Finally. A large hole was cut in the middle of the expensive bed and a human figure made of straw and candles was placed there. The scarecrow-shaped belly was inserted with the same roots and nails that my sister had cut out. The friends took pictures of all the evidence. Tell your sister about the horror at once. At that time, the victim recalled that the fairy had told her that it was a woman in her early forties who had conspired with an evil falling teacher to bring down her head.

The victim called all the men in and confronted the maid with the evidence. The Maid said in a resentful look and voice. We were only a few days away from getting you to spend a fortune begging my man to help you surrender or die. You’re lucky. Find someone who can cure you of this vicious curse. Sister asked the maid. What have I ever done to you, to offend you. The Maid said. Remember when I wanted to give you an advance. And you gave me half the money up front. My Man Can’t pay off his gambling debts. So he used to beat me up. I’ll start stealing your gold or money and giving it to him. Take care of your money and property, even in your own home. Keep the safe out of sight at home. Because it makes outsiders think about breaking and entering. You never found out anyway. My man is a family heirloom. (note: When you hire someone, you have to know their character. It’s best to have someone you trust sign a contract with them.) . I was just trying to get you under some kind of spell. So you can pay my man to surrender. You ended up in the hospital. After a few failures. We’ve decided to cast a vicious spell on you. So you’d give most of your money to my man to save your life. So you went to the hospital and found someone who could help you. It was our bad luck not to strengthen the spell. To get you out of this.

Then a friend asked her to open the door of her room. (note: The Rooms of servants and drivers and nannies, etc. . Otherwise try not to arrange to live with your family. To avoid unnecessary loss and regret. Such problems often come too late. We also found some stolen gold and property. So I called the police. The idea of a falling head. The police said that although the friends had found the enchanted object. Because spellcasters don’t always have real powers to make people work. Her sister’s body is also recovering. With no danger to his life, ie because he was unlucky. So the police can’t use it as evidence of a crime. Only part of the stolen evidence can be used to punish the maid.

About three months later. A friend called a fairy. Said the evil spell master tried to make money the same way. He’s been challenged by a master. He fell ill and soon died (because the spirit power and magic power of the exorcist were wasted by the goddess, so there was no spirit power to resist other exorcist’s fighting. Karma is quick) . Later, I brought my sister to China to thank Xianguu for saving their lives. When we meet. Her sister was moved to tears. This is another case of breathtaking malevolence.

The world should be on its guard. It’s natural. Eyes like lightning. You Hurt People, you hurt yourself. Don’t be petty. Don’t take the small things for granted. Don’t get any ideas. Good intentions don’t always pay off right away. But Bad Hearts always get what’s coming to them.

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