勿入邪教 出卖灵魂 · 肆

師父說現在有沒有發現你們這些妖使出的招數對付我們都不管用了. 你們現在利用這女人身體演這麼多戲只是想博取同情. 沒有幾句是真話. 我不會相信. 每個案子都會經過嚴查審核後依天道律法處置. 若是你們的態度好點我可以請祖幫忙先讓你們倆妖物退出這女人的身體出來談話. 要不然就直接把你們這些妖精怪全收拾了. 妖說妳真的認為有本事收拾我們嗎. 在這女人的身體裡這麼多年都沒人敢管. 你若動手對付我們. 那女人就會先被妳打重傷沒命. 妳也不一定就能抓到我們而且還會觸犯天條成為現行殺人犯. 梅師父說那是電影電視演的情節. 你們敢這樣胡說是因為不清楚高境界的仙佛菩薩要把妖魔打出來又不會傷害到人命其實是很簡單的事.直接就把你們從那女人身體裡處理掉也不難. 只是想要讓你們有機會把罪孽交代清楚警惕世人導正迷信風氣而已. 如果斬妖除魔會犯天條那我也認命. 你們只能掌控那些會自作孽出賣自己靈魂身體墮落慾望地獄的人. 妖魔界會附體在那些人的身上是因為雙方有深重的因果關係. 身心靈乾淨充滿善良正氣的人自有仙佛菩薩護佑. 妖魔鬼怪就無法輕易接近或傷害. 因菩薩不介入世人的因果.而世人因果歸地府審判. 妖邪附身在人的身體作惡. 地府審判時閻羅殿孽鏡台只顯現出罪業都是被附體那個人身體所做的行為. 會判定罪業就都由那個人承擔. 而你們做的事都是永不超生的重惡罪孽. 所以才說你們是嚴重破壞人間因果輪迴與靈界陰間秩序. 蛇妖又說你都知道地府管不了我們妖魔界. 還不趕緊離開. 梅師父說等下你們就知道是誰管妖魔界了. 但你們這群妖邪不是交由誰管的問題. 而是直接依天律正法. 蛇妖知道繼續和梅師父較勁下去也沒好處. 就說先讓我們離開這女人的身體再說吧. 我們真的已經出不去. 梅師父說早就知道了. 只是想看你們還要裝多久而已。
于是梅師父就請佛祖把蛇妖和蜈蚣精從那女人的身上抽出來. 很快我看到一道金光從那女人頭頂進入. 幾分鐘後有兩團黑霧從那女人的胸口射出來. 然後漸漸凝聚成一隻三層樓高的大黑蛇和一隻兩層樓高的大蜈蚣. 佛祖用佛掌朝大黑蛇和大蜈蚣方向. 大黑蛇和大蜈蚣就縮小了. 我仔細一看是隻大金剛眼鏡王蛇和一隻青黑色的巨大蜈蚣. 真的好嚇人. 它們都已經修煉到能變成各種想變的角色和臉型. 蛇妖鬆了一口氣的說好久沒有體驗如此自由的感覺了. 但是有機會我們還是會想辦法趁機遁逃. 梅師父說今天你們這些妖物一個都逃不掉.
此時那女人卻像是虛脫了一樣的癱軟在沙發上. 梅師父說那女人的魂魄早就被妖靈吸食的僅剩一點點了. 肉身長期被妖魔占據利用. 一旦妖靈退出來她就會是很虛弱的狀態. 等下我會幫她加持能量讓她恢復些元氣. 讓她先休息一下吧. 我要先跟這倆隻妖談談. 梅老師給那女人加持和調氣後那女人漸漸臉色紅潤了起來. 但是她神情驚恐. 想說話卻又不敢說. 梅老師叫她先休息一會兒. 等下再說話. 這時我看到那蛇妖在威脅那女人不要亂說話. 並說等這姓梅的走了之後看我們怎麼對付妳. 梅師父說. 不要威脅現場任何人. 有本事就對付我一人. 然後就再請佛祖把蛇妖和蜈蚣精的法力都廢掉.主要是不讓它們出招害人和使用遁術脫逃. (有天羅地網它們當然是逃不掉了)這倆隻妖邪的道行都很高. 仍自大狂妄的說在東南亞好幾個國家信奉的神祇教派都是屬於它們的分支系統. (可以去網路查詢有哪些國家的神明雕像身上有雕盤著眼鏡蛇就知道是那些教派)因此勢力範圍很廣大. 因為那女人喜歡去國內外的佛寺和廟寺道觀旅遊及參與各類型的法會活動. 所以她和同行親友身上的妖靈就得以藉機到世界各地吸食能量和魂魄.此族群修煉的是見佛吸佛.見魔吸魔.見鬼吃鬼. 見人吃魂魄. 吸食大自然磁場和各界能量所組成的邪教. 所以它們很喜歡待在閒雜人群密集的場所還有墳場亂葬崗這些地方. 因為不用一個個的去找. 一次就能讓群妖群魔吸食飽。
那女人看到倆妖邪已經被廢功並且受押制動彈不得. 無法傷害梅師父忍不住激動的說. 原來附體在我身上那麼多年的神靈. 真的還有一隻大黑蛇妖.平時蛇身就繞住她腰身上. 蛇妖的頭很喜歡搭在她的左肩上. 難怪常覺得臉頰和脖子像是有東西在搔癢(蛇妖吐舌信舔她) 肩膀像擔了物品又重又酸痛. 蜈蚣精大部份是看守她的行蹤與掌控言行活動. 身上怪病花錢找了很多醫生都無法治癒卻沒有生命危險. 後來就乾脆不管了. 它一直給我訊息說它是黑龍神. 與我有幾世的緣份所以才會一直附體在我身上一起修法. 但是從來沒有讓我看到它的樣子. 有時會偶爾瞄到一些靈界景象. 但我不敢對它們不敬. 更怕得罪它們引來殺身之禍。 那女人開始敘述著. 十幾年前因為愛情和工作事業生活有很多不順遂而煩惱. 開始迷于各種算命相術和參與私人修行團體. 結果多次被騙財又騙色.想脫離那些人卻被恐嚇不能報警. 否則要對她和家人不利. 心有不甘但無奈. 某天有個認識的婦人約她一起去見一個說是算命很厲害的命相師. 第一次見面命相師就把她的命算的很准.(後來才知是那婦人把她的事都先告訴命相師了). 後來就跟那命相師談戀愛交往.不久命相師就邀約一起去泰國旅遊. 還說一趟泰國旅遊能改變我們以後的命運. 能得到很多我想要的事物. 我就很開心的答應。
去了泰國的第二天男友帶我去一個供奉很多怪異雕像和放著類似往生者骨灰罈和骨頭的地方. 屋裡有股很不舒服奇怪的味道. 這時有個滿臉紋著怪異圖騰的人從屋子裡面走出來. 和命相師男友用我聽不懂的語言談過後. 就帶我進去一個小房間. 要我們先在小房間等待幾分鐘. 然後倒了一杯茶水給我喝. 男友拿出一小瓶香精(後來知道是施過法的屍油). 要我抹些在身上. 說是可以防蚊蟲叮咬和隔開屋裡不好聞的味道. 我就馬上抹一點那香精在身上. 幾分鐘後覺得有些口渴就喝了那杯茶水. 沒多久就很睏. 隱隱約約看到有四至五個男人在撫摸我然後輪流交合. 感覺異常舒適不知不覺就睡著了. 當我醒來時已經是在住宿旅館的床上了. 身體有些酸痛. 男友說泰國法師已經幫我在身上做了法事. 以後要聽泰國法師的指示. 若反抗就會被邪降懲罰. 身心難受致死. 當時我很氣憤想反抗. 命相師男友說他也是被泰國法師控制無法擺脫生命威脅不得已才妥協騙我來泰國經歷這一切的. 安慰我不用害怕. 只要服從做好泰國法師的要求. 就會得到所想要的一切. 剛開始我還是會有點抗拒不想聽從泰國法師的要求. 結果當天身體全身就像被螞蟻咬一樣的難受. 還嘔吐出一些小黑蟲. 馬上聯繫泰國法師. 跟他表示以後一定會聽話. 身體的疼痛很快就停止了. 泰國法師說這只是小小的懲罰. 如果是嚴厲處罰. 會讓人身心痛苦到生不如死想結束生命. 幾次小懲罰的痛苦經驗. 讓我不敢再反抗. 被下降頭幾個月後發現身上開始有一些小靈力. 能偶爾看到與聽到靈界的事物和聲音. 接著我也養泰國小鬼用靈力和手段賺了不少錢. 三年後泰國法師通知我. 在他所定的期限內想辦法帶人去泰國讓他下降頭成功就會把我中的降頭全解除. 以後我就不受控制恢復自由了. 于是我就找了一個嚮往學降頭術的人帶過去泰國讓那泰國法師成功下降頭.這個人是自願去泰國學降頭術的. 所以我不算害人吧。
降頭解除之後. 我就跟那命相師分手. 身體卻一直無法恢復到以前的健康狀態.靈力也消退了. 我急想能再擁有靈力. 友人就推薦我加入一個藏密教派修法. 入教的規矩我全都聽從遵守. 大約過了兩個月我的身體開始出現每到半夜手和腳會過敏發癢的奇怪症狀. 但到白天就正常. 去好多家醫院都治不好. 教友建議我儘快去西藏請求上師幫忙. 說也奇怪. 上師做了法事讓我喝一杯像紅酒的飲料. 我那怪病就沒有發作了. 但是此後就開始只要我的情緒不穩定時我的頭常會無法控制的往同一個方向抽搐晃動. 常會有報復別人的念頭. 更發現只要我想讓誰倒霉那些人就真的會倒霉. 每次修密法進入冥想狀態時. 會有很多靈體(妖魔會變化成人們最喜歡的人事物出現.這階段修法者最容易被誘導而走火入魔 )陪我一起修法. 那飄飄然的感覺讓我非常沉迷(魂魄和精氣神能量被吸食之後就會感覺昏沉. 越來越累. 無精神).總是心想若是可以天天都這樣該有多好. 現在回想起來身上的妖魔邪靈應該就是這階段開始跟著我的. 此後去西藏見上師的次數越來越頻繁. 我的丈夫也是在西藏旅遊時認識的. 交往不到半年我們就結婚了,生了一個兒子. 就這樣過了七年後的現在. 在幾個個月前蜈蚣神靈告訴我. 疫情這麼久時間它們一直沒有吸食到多少能量和魂魄已經忍不了. 現在總算陸續解除疫情警報了. 要我跟護法男人一起到處去找靈氣磁場強的場所與人們多結緣. 找機會多吸取能量和獲取人們的魂魄和福報來供養它們.若不遵從就要處罰我和親友們. 于是我們去了很多廟寺和私人道場佛堂及靈氣強的地方吸取能量. 某天走進一個小區. 路過時發現何小姐店鋪供奉的觀音菩薩磁場很強.她答應可以給觀音菩薩上香. 我就點上自己準備的泰國買回來的香.心裡很開心何小姐客戶有不少是有錢的人脈.并可以吸食到菩薩的磁場和往來友人及客戶的能量.大可能還能控制何小姐讓她加入我們的教派修法. 沒想到那麼快就遇到你們了(梅師父和我)。
勿入邪教 出卖灵魂
勿入邪教 出卖灵魂 · 贰
勿入邪教 出卖灵魂 · 叁

Hello everyone, here’s the continuation of the update:
Master Mei said that it has been noticed that the tricks used by you demons are no longer effective against us. You are now using this woman’s body to act out so many scenes just to gain sympathy, and there are not many true words. I will not believe it. Each case will be strictly examined and reviewed, and then disposed of according to the laws of heaven. If your attitude is better, I can ask the Buddha to help let you two demons leave this woman’s body first and talk. Otherwise, I will clean up all of you spirits and monsters. The snake demon asked, “Do you really think you have the ability to deal with us? No one has dared to interfere in this woman’s body for so many years. If you take action against us, that woman will be severely injured by you and lose her life. You may not be able to catch us, and you will also violate the heavenly rules and become a murderer.” Master Mei said that those are movie and TV plotlines. You dare to talk nonsense because you don’t understand that it is actually very simple for high-level immortals and Buddhas to expel demons and spirits from a person’s body without harming their life. It is not difficult to directly deal with you from that woman’s body. It is just that you are given the opportunity to confess your sins and warn the world against superstition. If slaying demons and eliminating evil will violate the heavenly rules, then I am willing to accept my fate. You can only control those who commit evil deeds and sell their souls and bodies to fall into the hell of desire. Demons and spirits attach themselves to those people because there is a deep cause and effect relationship between the two parties. People with clean body, mind, and spirit, full of kindness and positive energy, are naturally protected by immortals and Buddhas. Demons and ghosts cannot easily approach or harm them. Because the bodhisattva does not interfere with the world’s cause and effect, and the world’s cause and effect belongs to the judgment of the underworld. When evil spirits possess a person’s body and commit evil deeds, the孽 mirror in the Yanluo Hall of the underworld will only show that the sins are all the behaviors done by the possessed person’s body. It will be judged that the sins are all borne by that person. And what you do are all grave evil deeds that never rise again. That’s why you are said to seriously disrupt the human world’s cause and effect reincarnation and the order of the spirit and underworld. The snake demon said, “You know that the underworld can’t control our demon world, so why don’t you leave quickly?” Master Mei said that you will know who is in charge of the demon world soon. But you, these evil spirits, are not a matter of who is in charge. It is directly according to the heavenly law and the law of heaven. The snake demon knew that continuing to compete with Master Mei would not be beneficial, so it said let us leave this woman’s body first. We really can’t get out. Master Mei said that he already knew, just wanted to see how long you would pretend.
So Master Mei asked the Buddha to draw the snake demon and centipede spirit out of the woman’s body. Soon I saw a golden light enter from the top of the woman’s head. A few minutes later, two clouds of black fog shot out from the woman’s chest and gradually condensed into a three-story tall black snake and a two-story tall giant centipede. The Buddha used the Buddha’s palm towards the direction of the black snake and giant centipede. The black snake and giant centipede shrank. I took a closer look and saw that it was a giant king cobra with golden eyes and a huge black centipede. It was really scary. They had already cultivated to the point where they could change into any role and face they wanted. The snake demon sighed with relief and said it had been a long time since it had experienced such a free feeling. But if there is a chance, we will still try to escape. Master Mei said that today, none of you demons will escape.
At this time, the woman seemed to be exhausted and collapsed on the sofa. Master Mei said that the woman’s soul had been sucked by the demons to only a little bit left. Her physical body had been occupied and used by demons for a long time. Once the demon comes out, she will be in a very weak state. I will help her boost her energy and restore some vitality. Let her rest first. I want to talk to these two demons first. After Master Mei gave the woman energy and adjusted her breath, the woman’s face gradually became rosy. But her expression was frightened. She wanted to speak but dared not. Master Mei told her to rest first and talk later. At this time, I saw the snake demon threatening the woman not to talk nonsense and saying that after this person surnamed Mei leaves, see how we deal with you. Master Mei said, do not threaten anyone on the scene. If you have the ability, deal with me alone. Then he asked the Buddha to废掉 the snake demon and centipede spirit’s magical powers, mainly to prevent them from harming people and using escape techniques. (Of course, they can’t escape with the heavenly net in place) These two demons have high cultivation and still arrogantly claim that several countries in Southeast Asia believe in the gods and sects that belong to their branch systems. (You can search online to see which countries’ gods have statues with coiled cobra eyes to know which sects they are) Therefore, their influence range is very extensive. Because the woman liked to travel to Buddhist temples and Taoist temples at home and abroad, and participate in various types of Dharma events, the demons and spirits she traveled with were able to take the opportunity to go around the world to absorb energy and souls. This tribe cultivates by seeing Buddha and absorbing Buddha, seeing demons and absorbing demons, seeing Ghosts and eating ghosts, seeing people and eating souls. They absorb the natural magnetic field and energy from all walks of life to form an evil cult. So they like to stay in crowded places with people and graveyards and chaotic burial grounds. Because they don’t have to look for them one by one, they can feed the group of demons and ghosts at once.
The woman saw that the two demons had been废功 and were under restraint and couldn’t move, and she couldn’t harm Master Mei, so she couldn’t help but say excitedly. The god that had been attached to me for so many years really was a big black snake demon. Usually, the snake body was coiled around her waist. The snake demon’s head liked to rest on her left shoulder. No wonder she often felt like something was tickling her cheeks and neck (the snake demon was licking her with its tongue). Her shoulder felt like it was carrying a heavy item and was sore and achy. The centipede spirit mostly guarded her movements and controlled her speech and activities. The strange illness on her body cost a lot of money to find many doctors but there was no生命危险. Later, she just gave up. It kept giving me messages saying it was the Black Dragon God. Because I had a few lifetimes of fate with it, that’s why it had been attached to me and practicing the Dharma together. But it never let me see its appearance. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of some spiritual realm scenes, but I didn’t dare to disrespect them. I was even more afraid of offending them and bringing disaster upon myself. The woman began to narrate. Ten years ago, because of troubles in love and career, she began to be fascinated with various fortune-telling and participated in private cultivation groups. As a result, she was defrauded of money and sex several times. She wanted to leave those people but was threatened not to call the police, otherwise, it would be harmful to her and her family. She was unwilling but helpless. One day, a woman she knew invited her to meet a fortune-teller who was said to be very accurate. The first time they met, the fortune-teller calculated her life very accurately. (Later, she found out that the woman had told the fortune-teller about her affairs). Later, she started dating the fortune-teller. Soon, the fortune-teller invited her to travel to Thailand together, saying that a trip to Thailand could change our fate in the future and get a lot of things I wanted. I happily agreed.
The day after arriving in Thailand, my boyfriend took me to a place with many strange statues and urns and bones of the deceased. There was an uncomfortable and strange smell in the room. At this time, a man with strange tattoos all over his face came out of the room. After talking with my boyfriend in a language I didn’t understand, he took me into a small room and asked us to wait for a few minutes. Then he poured a cup of tea for me to drink. My boyfriend took out a small bottle of perfume oil (later, I found out it was corpse oil that had been cast with a spell) and asked me to apply some on my body, saying it could prevent mosquito bites and block the bad smell in the room. I immediately applied a little of that perfume oil on my body. A few minutes later, I felt thirsty and drank the cup of tea. Not long after, I felt very sleepy. I vaguely saw four or five men fondling me and then taking turns having sex with me. I felt extremely comfortable and fell asleep without realizing it. When I woke up, I was already in the bed of the hotel where

#梅師父 #妖魔 #附體 #蜈蚣精 #蛇妖 #佛祖 #靈魂 #降頭 #泰國法師 #藏密教派 #靈力 #冥想 #靈界 #魂魄 #因果 #天地 #閻羅殿 #法事 #修行 #佛寺 #道觀 #迷信 #正法 #護佑 #邪教 #靈氣 #磁場 #疫情 #緣分 #菩薩

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